Tenaska Enon Grove fact sheet
Sep 12, 2024
Project fact sheet
Review the details of the Tenaska Enon Grove Generating Station.
Tenaska Enon Grove Generating Station project fact sheet
Expanded presence in Heard County
Tenaska, with a presence in Heard County for nearly 30 years, is considering additional natural gas-fueled power plants in the area. Similar to the existing Tenaska Georgia Generating Station, these facilities would add reliability to the regional electric grid amid growing power demand, as well as generate jobs, tax revenue and other local economic benefits.
Proposed natural gas facilities
Tenaska is evaluating the development of up to two simple-cycle peaking facilities, each able to generate approximately 800 megawatts (MW) of power during times of peak demand. Natural gas remains the cleanest fossil fuel for power generation, and the market demand for natural gas generation is growing amid an influx of renewables like wind and solar that provide intermittent power.
Location: Tenaska has identified a location near the existing Tenaska Georgia plant for this expansion effort. Each facility would be similar in design, layout and size to the existing Tenaska Georgia power plant.
Timeline: Development is expected to span two years. Pending all necessary approvals and permits, the earliest construction start would be in 2026.
Economic benefits: Construction and operation of a new natural gas-fueled peaking plant would generate economic benefits similar to those of Tenaska Georgia Generating Station:
- During construction of the facility approximately 180 jobs were created per month, on average, over the 30-month construction period and approximately $14 million in wages (2001 dollars) were paid to Georgia workers
- Operation of the facility provides jobs for 11 employees and, in 2023, resulted in $2.8 million in employee salaries and payments to local contractors and vendors
- Since the start of operation, the plant has paid $4.3 million in local property taxes
- The plant and its employees have supported various local efforts and organizations, either through volunteer hours and/or monetary support
An established business neighbor
Tenaska has been a good business neighbor in Heard County for nearly 30 years. We have built positive relationships here and feel like a welcomed and valued member of the community.
Since 2001, Tenaska Georgia Generating Station has operated in a safe and responsible manner, while also providing stable jobs and tax revenue. The plant team collaborates with community leaders, first responders, the chamber, the schools and more. This expansion effort would be additive to the benefits provided by Tenaska Georgia and is not intended to replace that facility.
We look forward to working with the Heard County community to make this additional investment a reality.